Monday, March 16, 2009

Linux Commercial Videos

In the spirit of the Open Source community the penguins were out making video commercials to popularise the free operating system. Everyone was allowed to enter the contest which will send the winner to the Linux Foundation Japan Linux Symposium in October 2009. The contest ended on March 15th, 2009. Now the work has started by the judges to pick out the best commercial.

I have seen some of the many entries sent to the Linux Foundation. Many of them are a bit rough as they only used a video camera to convey their idea. Of course to get a professional commercial you need millions of dollar worth of equipment and actors. The ideas sent by these individuals are far better then most commercial today. Only one of these commercials will be the winner and it is my hope that it will be recreated professionally and displayed on general TV.

It would be nice to see Linux again on TV. The last time I remember a Linux commercial was by IBM. It was a great commercial but the only people that could decode it was Linux users. I think we need a commercial that says we compete against Microsoft and Apple on a one to one basis. Apple successfully did this with "I am a PC and I am a Mac" commercial.

As for the best Linux Foundation entry I liked, click here and enjoy.


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